Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heartburn of remedies for pregnant

A woman's body undergoes a number of changes, during pregnancy, due to the surge of hormones. Some of the changes can be pleasant, while some are not so pleasant. There are also a number of disorders that can occur during the entire term. These disorders are mostly temporary and will go away after the delivery. To name a few, a pregnant woman can suffer from constipation, gas, acne and in some cases even gestational diabetes. The most common complaint of pregnant women, especially, during the early stages of pregnancy, is heartburn. This condition is quite normal and there is no need to panic. Before we take a look at the heartburn remedies for pregnant women, let us discuss about the causative factors of this annoying health condition.

As mentioned earlier, heartburn is a common complaint among most of the pregnant women. The degrees of severity may vary from person to person. Some women may experience mild heartburn symptoms, whereas, some of them may have a severe complaint. The pressure applied on the stomach by the growing fetus and the relaxation of the soft tissues in preparation for birth are some of the reasons for what causes heartburn during pregnancy.

Other reasons may be indigestion, softening of the esophageal sphincter and increase in the levels of progesterone. Heartburn in pregnancy can be brought under control with the help of some natural remedies as well as some over-the-counter medications, prescribed by a medical practitioner. Here are a few natural as well as clinical heartburn remedies for pregnant women that are quite effective without causing any side effects.

Remedies for Heartburn for Pregnant Women

Heartburn can cause discomfort, especially, during the last trimester, since the baby has completely developed putting extra pressure on the stomach. You can try these heartburn remedies for pregnant women, without worrying about the side effects.
  • One of the best heartburn remedies for pregnant women is to keep a check on the diet. Avoid eating spicy or greasy foods as these may aggravate heartburn. Instead follow a heartburn diet, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products and legumes. These foods are easily digested and are also known to improve digestion. It is also advisable to eat small meals at regular intervals instead of having large meals for proper digestion.
  • Drinking plenty of water and other fluids like cold milk or fruit juices is also considered as the best heartburn home remedies for pregnant women. The fluids will neutralize the acids in the stomach and hence, provide relief from this condition.
  • One of the natural heartburn remedies for pregnant women is to chew mint leaves, asafoetida tablets or drink chamomile tea which will improve digestion and relieve heartburn during pregnancy.
  • Another of the effective heartburn remedies during pregnancy is to drink aloe vera juice, thrice a day. Aloe vera juice has a soothing effect on the stomach and reduces acidity.
  • Yogurt, which is a rich source of probiotic culture, is considered to be an effective heartburn remedy and is safe for consumption for pregnant women.
  • Drinking honey mixed with warm milk or water is said to keep the symptoms of heartburn and acidity during pregnancy at bay.
  • There are also a few over-the-counter antacids that can help relieve heartburn. Before taking medication of any kind, consulting your gynecologist is advisable.
  • Apart from these above mentioned heartburn remedies for pregnant women, walking after meals, mild exercises, and sleep postures also play a major role in curing heartburn during pregnancy.
These were some heartburn remedies for pregnant women. Visit a gynecologist if the heartburn persists, who may prescribe medications that provide relief. Don't let a heartburn dampen your spirits of enjoying your motherhood. Take care!

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